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Communication & Membership

Communications and Membership Committee Members
Photo of Dayna Stump
Danya Stump, Chairperson (Communications)
Nichole Zimmerman
Nichole Zimmerman, Chairperson (Membership)
Sue Caudell
Ashley Hollenbeck
Joni Vernia-Hyland
Heather Martinez
Katy Pluimer
Denise Smith
Danya Stump
Ann Walton


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2022-2023 Strategic Goals

Strategic Priority (SP) Goals

Ensure up-to date information is shared with all members by:

• Leveraging technology to bring awareness to and provide relevant
resources/supports/PD to stakeholders regarding DEI issues (across
multiple, intersecting identities).
• Showing support of current and relevant events/topics; Ex: Black
History Month, Pride Month, mitochondrial disease awareness.

By June 2023, MCEC will have weekly updates on all social
media pages, to increase communication among members and

Increase MCEC membership and engagement by:

• Exploring, recruiting, and building relationships with Michigan
Alliance for Families, MDHHS Family Center, Parent Advisory
Committees, and other parent organizations across the state to
engage and empower parents.
• Increasing association partnerships through joint opportunities with
National CEC as well as other similarly affiliated organizations.

By June 2023, MCEC will increase professional, parent and
student membership by 10% while remaining mindful of the
importance of member diversity.
Last Updated:  19 September, 2022

© 2024 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.