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Michigan CEC Awards

General Information

Since 1963, the Michigan CEC has annually recognized teachers, parents, businesses, and others for their outstanding contributions and accomplishments reflected through their dedication to students with exceptionalities.

Students with exceptionalities are recognized for Yes I Can! awards in several areas, including; academics, arts, athletics, self-advocacy, technology, and transition. All recipients are honored during the Recognition Ceremony at our annual conference taking place at the Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Nomination applications for a Michigan CEC Honor or Award for a colleague, parent, student or community member are due by December 20, 2023.


Scholarships and Camperships

The Michigan Foundation for Exceptional Children provides scholarships to support post-secondary educational/training opportunities when students are no longer eligible for special education (and Section 504) programs and services provided by public education (i.e., graduation or reaching 26 years of age).

MCEC awards camperships to students with an active IEP, in need of financial support, and is intended to assist children who otherwise would not have an opportunity for a summer camp experience.


This is an opportunity for students to apply for funding (up to $250) to attend a summer camp in Michigan. These camperships are open to students with an active IEP, in need of financial support, and would otherwise not have an opportunity for a summer camp experience.

MCEC Scholarships

MCEC's scholarship program grants up to $1,500 to provide support for educational/training opportunities when students are no longer eligible for special education (and Section 504) programs and services provided by public education (i.e., graduation or reaching 26 years of age). 

College Student

This award is given by MCEC to honor an extraordinary undergraduate student who is a current member of the Council of Exceptional Children.


The MCEC Impact Paraprofessional of the Year Award recognizes a Paraprofessional who currently provides direct services to students with exceptionalities. Our Paraprofessional Award is an outstanding member of the education community whose work exemplifies the best in special education support. Their work reflects significant, documented educational success for students, continued professional development, and the highest standards of educational quality.

Entrepreneurial Classroom

One of the highlights of the MCEC Conference is the inclusion of the Entrepreneurial Classroom. This honor is awarded to a classroom that prepares students to enter the community not only in their ability to make and sell a product, but also in the development of their social skills.


Exceptional Parent(s)

This award is given by MCEC to honor parents of students with exceptionalities.

Dr. Dawn Gallup Honor Recipient

This award is given to recognize an individual, group, business, agency, or community that has promoted and provided for the enhancement, awareness, or employment of individuals with exceptionalities.

Poster Contest

All students eligible for special education through the age of 26 are invited to participate in the Exceptional Children's Poster Contest. The participant may submit art, poetry, and/or prose. 

Professional Service

The MCEC Board of Director’s annually awards the Dr. William Cruickshank Award, our highest professional honor, to an individual who has made significant contributions to the education of children with exceptionalities.

Teacher of the Year

MCEC's Dr. William C. Morse Teacher of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding teacher or related service provider who currently provides direct services to students with exceptionalities.

Yes I Can

The Yes I Can Awards honor students with disabilities who excel. These awards celebrate the achievements of children and youth with disabilities; encourage these individuals to seek their highest potential; and increase public awareness of the abilities, aspirations, and personal qualities of those with disabilities.

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