As the largest gathering of special education stakeholders in Michigan, the 84th annual conference will be held February 28, 29 and March 1, 2024, at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids. This year’s conference theme, An Exceptional Celebration, will uplift learning while highlighting the work and achievement of special education students, educators, and parents. It will accomplish this by delivering an array of carefully curated content to foster improved outcomes for students with exceptionalities. It also serves as a premier source for relevant and timely training and information from the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
Four amazing pre-conference workshops kick off our conference on February 28, 2024. The fellowship and learning continue on February 29th and March 1st with over 80 breakout sessions, a Keynote by Dr. Muhammad Khalifa, a nationally recognized educator dedicated to uplifting all students’ voices and experience, State of the State Address, the Recognition/Scholarship Reception, and more. As a bonus, our conference offers an extensive list of continuing education hours for special education practitioners (teachers, speech and language pathologists, school social workers) and administrators. MCEC understands the importance of providing professional and personal growth opportunities to special education stakeholders. Generating a conference of this magnitude is made possible by the dedication and investments of volunteers and sponsors. Volunteers commit their time to create and deliver valuable content and experiences.
If you would like to help sponsor our conference or become an exhibitor submit your application now to get top placement priority!